Higher Education

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Connecticut boasts 38 world-renowned colleges and universities, including Yale the #2 university in the country1 — and the University of Connecticut (UConn), that graduate more than 42,000 students per year and serve as centers of innovation, research, and access for local markets, as well as a pipeline of talent for our state’s growing economy. Partnerships with local colleges and universities can help to accelerate research and development, workforce, and innovation solutions for your company.

Connecticut ranks #1 in the nation for college readiness2, #2 in educational opportunity3, #2 for best community college system4, #4 highest percentage of adults with graduate or professional degrees5, #7 state for percentage of adults with Bachelor's degrees or beyond6, and #9 for employed science, engineering, and health doctorate holders as a percentage of the workforce7.

Find out more below about how these institutions are revolutionizing various industries in Connecticut.