The Crossroads of the Northeast

Connecticut occupies a unique position, acting as the Gateway to New England while being ingrained in the Tri-State (CT-NY-NJ) economy. Stamford, one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S. and one of the top destinations for millennial workers in the nation1, is a 45-minute train ride from New York City’s Grand Central Station and the state’s capital, Hartford, is 1.5-hour drive from Boston.

With Metro-North commuter rail service to New York City and high-speed rail Amtrak lines throughout the Northeast, including to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., Connecticut is located in one of the most accessible parts of the country.

Bradley International Airport outside of Hartford, ranked the 8th best airport in the U.S.2, and Tweed New Haven Airport on the southern coast service flights throughout the nation and internationally. Seven other small airports throughout the state service private and charter flights as well. Six out-of-state airports, including John F. Kennedy, LaGuardia, Boston Logan, and Newark Liberty can also serve the state, each less than 2 hours from Connecticut. 



Connecticut Invests in Transportation Infrastructure

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is making $9.7 billion in capital investments. This includes investments across various modes of transportation such as highways, bridges, public transit and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. “Ongoing maintenance and upkeep of our existing infrastructure, combined with strategic, thoughtful investment in projects that reduce congestion, improve mobility and efficiency, and minimize our environmental impacts are critical to keep Connecticut moving forward and competitive in the future,” CTDOT Commissioner Joseph Giulietti said (Transportation Topics News). 

Transportation Options



Connecticut's broadband network is one of the fastest and most built out in the nation. Over 97.2% of the state has access to low-prced broadband with speeds of 100mbps or faster3, with BroadbandNow ranking the state #3 in the U.S. for internet, based on coverage, speed, price, and availability4. Connecticut cities and towns continue to expand their fiber optic networks, with many ranking nationally for internet speeds. In fact, the state capital of Hartford was rated #3 for broadband speeds out of all U.S. cities5. Regardless of your needs, be they personal or professional, Connecticut's broadband infrastructure remains one of the most accessible and reliable in the nation. 



Water Resources

Water is a central theme in the character of Connecticut as a maritime state and one of the suppliers of potable water to New York City. Water is of critical importance to many industries that are vital to Connecticut’s economy, including advanced manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverage production. 

Our water quality is some of the best in the United States, as Connecticut has gone to great lengths to ensure its integrity. In fact, Connecticut remains the only state in the country to continue a prohibition on sewage treatment plant discharges within a watershed.

Connecticut’s abundance of water and extensive, modern infrastructure will allow companies to reliably secure their water needs without the risk of severe river and aquifer rights restrictions during droughts or the need for expensive pipeline buildouts. 

wettest state in the country6, with the most precipitation in the contiguous U.S. in 20237

less expensive monthly water bill for consumers than the average American8

best water utility tap water quality in the nation, factoring quality and price9

miles of rivers, 2,000 lakes & reservoirs, and 600 miles of estuarine water in Long Island Sound10


1 Niche, 2024; 2 Conde Nast, 2024; 3BroadbandNow, 2024; 4BroadbandNow, 2024; 5Business Facilities, 2024; 6World Population Review, 2023; 7Statista, 2024; 8Statista, 2023; 9J.D. Power, 2023; 10CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, 2023