A Top Destination for Foreign Investment

Positioned in the epicenter of the Northeast U.S., Connecticut offers foreign-owned businesses an ideal location adjacent to New York, within two hours of Boston, and within 800 kilometers of nearly one-third of the U.S. economy1 and two-thirds of the Canadian economy2

With three deep water ports and an international airport, Connecticut offers access to major markets, strong passenger and freight rail, interstate distribution networks, and the talent needed to fill positions at all levels. 

Connecticut offers one of the nation’s most highly educated, highly productive workforces in the world. In fact, Connecticut's productivity is on par with world-leading nations — including Switzerland, Qatar, and Singapore, the 7th, 8th, and 9th most productive countries globally3 — and outpaces all G7 nations. Our world-class workforce has drawn a plethora of prestigious international companies to the state, including ASML, SAP, Infosys, AXA, Boehringer Ingelheim, Diageo, BIC, Samsung, AstraZenca, HCL, Bridgestone, Accenture, and Dassault Systemes.


Key Facts

  • #8 highest percentage of employment supported by international investment, more than New York or Massachusetts4
  • 118,500 workers are employed as a result of FDI5
  • $14.6B of Connecticut goods are exported around the world each year6
  • $87,447 GDP per capita places Connecticut among the most productive places in the world3
  • At least 832 international companies operate in Connecticut7
  • Top sources of FDI in Connecticut are Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Canada8


Experienced Global Economic Development Team

AdvanceCT’s experienced global economic development team offers confidential assistance to foreign companies entering the U.S. market through Connecticut. AdvanceCT offers the following services:

  • Specialized expertise to find the most direct route to expedite your foreign investment project in Connecticut.
  • Connections into the Connecticut ecosystem, major trade associations, universities and other affinity groups related to your business.
  • Access to data, including details about the state, demographics, industry information, and workforce data.
  • Information on professional service advisors such as lawyers, accounting firms, banks, insurance firms, immigration attorneys and other business service firms to assist with establishing a presence in Connecticut and the U.S.
  • Guidance and introductions to real estate providers throughout the state.
  • Assistance with navigating local communities, including municipal economic development leaders, regional resources, utilities, cultural organizations, local schools and residential services.

For personalized assistance, contact AdvanceCT President John Bourdeaux, by calling 860-571-6206 or emailing jbourdeaux@AdvanceCT.org

1U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2023, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, QCEW, 2023, AdvanceCT calculations; 2Statistics Canada, 2023, AdvanceCT calculations; 3The World Bank, GDP current USD, 2022, Bureau of Economic Analysis, GDP current USD, 2022, AdvanceCT calculations, CT GDP per capita adjusted downward for consistency with The World Bank’s United States GDP estimate, uses U.S. Census PEP, 2022 4 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2023 (2021 data), AdvanceCT calculations; 5U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2023 (2021 data); 6U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, 2023; 7U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2023 (2021 data); 8 U.S. Department of Commerce, 2024