Connecticut Certified Sites Program
AdvanceCT is proud to sponsor the Connecticut Certified Sites Program. This is a property identification and investment readiness program that:
- Showcases strategic location solutions suitable for corporate investment;
- Supports soft and hard cost site improvements;
- Decreases project uncertainty and shortens lead time.

Approved sites will be classified as one of the following:

Shovel Ready
Properties where a combination of site characteristics, documented due diligence, and approvals deemed necessary to begin site development has been completed.

Investment Ready
A site deemed ready for development, although additional infrastructure improvements may be required before development can begin. Such additional measures should be quick to execute.
AdvanceCT is continually adding new properties to the program. If you are interested in learning more and have a site in mind that may qualify, please submit this form to let us know and we will get back to you with more information.
Certified Sites
Below is a list of sites that have been pre-approved, undergone analysis and been deemed “Shovel Ready” or “Investment Ready”: